Here’s how it works.

Ready? First: email us. Tell us what you’re working on, why it’s the next great thing, and any details that might help us, like timeline, budget, how you learned about us, why you like us, etc.

We’ll get back to you quicker than you think. We’ll ask lots of questions about your product or service and you’ll ask lots of questions about our process and we’ll get to know each other. Real talk.

What We Do

We’re a video production company, which means we have all the elements in-house and all the right people on the team to handle your project from start to finish.
1.The Creative: We figure out exactly how to convey the value of your product so your audience can understand it—how it works, what it feels like, and why they’ll want it in their lives. Usually, we'll start with an interview with you.

2.Production: We crew up with talented and amazing people in our network of filmmakers, scout the best places to set your story, and then we shoot, using the same gear they use in Hollywood motion pictures.

3.Post-production: We meticulously shape the work into its final form using every tool at our disposal, from visual effects to original music composition or licensing, to color grading, to clever file naming.

4.Distribution: When the final piece is baked, we’ll make sure you have the best tools to get it in front of the world. We’ll support you with a social media strategy and, partner with your PR and media buyers, we’ll even send it to our parents because they always love seeing what we’re up to.

Email us. We love email.